Featured Donors
This wall of fame honors those who have donated time, money or efforts to the creation of self-reliance groups through Interweave. If you would like to be featured on this page please let us know by emailing us at team@interweavesolutions.org
100% of all project specific donations go to the project identified. This has been possible through the generous contributions of people like you, our founder and CEO, Dean Curtis, volunteers and donations from businesses, churches and other non-profit organizations which helps cover our overhead costs. All unspecified gifts go directly to provide curriculum to groups in developing countries. Below are some contributors worthy of recognition. You have helped us move people from poverty to prosperity, and we thank you for that!

Jay Bosshardt
Mr. Bosshardt’s donation initially provided economic empowerment support to women and their families in partnership with the Walta Mother and Children Support (WMCHCO) organization. His initial donation was used directly to provide the curriculum materials and training necessary to deliver the services in Shashemene, Ethiopia. With the help of Tedla Mohammed who is the Program Director of the the WMCHCO organization new self-reliance groups are now growing in this country. Mr. Bosshardt has also volunteered his time to improve the program materials and has even traveled to Colombia to witness firsthand an MBS graduation in that country and the beginning of a new MBS self-reliance program there. He is always happy to give input and support to help the program grow. Our sincere thanks to this great gentleman.

Dean Curtis
Dean Curtis is a venture philanthropist who for more than two decades has championed the cause of “creative capitalism.” Founder of Curtis and Associates, Inc., a consulting company that helped people receiving public assistance find work, he sold the 500+ employee company in 2000 and has advanced sustainable humanitarian causes ever since. He has lived three years in Mexico as President of an LDS Church Mission, established a Self-Reliance foundation in Mozambique, served on the board of Ascend Alliance, served on the Executive Board of Cause for Hope and Enterprise Solutions and is Co-founder of Interweave Solutions. His donations cover most of the administrative costs so that other donors can have a major impact on worldwide poverty through their donations.
Prior to starting his own business, Dean taught high school and was an Assistant Professor at the University of Nebraska at Kearney.

Brent Anderson
Mr. Anderson is a true example of how a partnership among those who share very similar missions can be a winning experience between two organizations. After finding Interweave through our website Mr. Anderson took action and called the headquarters of Interweave Solutions. He knew that he shared very similar goals to Interweave. He had his own company (Pathway consulting) where he helped others strategically plan the future of their businesses and believed strongly in fostering self-reliance. Mr. Anderson knew that he could contribute and grow at Interweave’s side and together we have both grown and achieved many goals together. Mr. Anderson even learned Interweave’s FAMA methodology and incorporated it to his own and in turn he helped Interweave grow strategically.
Mr. Anderson is a consultant to people and organizations who want to create and grow productive systems and has helped Interweave develop strategic plans to move forward. As a French speaker he has also traveled to French speaking countries including DR Congo to help spread the Interweave program as well as his own and helped spread the message of self-reliance. Interweave is grateful for the partnership that has been built among Mr. Anderson and ourselves and wants to invite your organization to also partner with us to end poverty worldwide.

Rob Haertel
Rob Haertel was born and raised in Salt Lake City, UT. He graduated in Business Management from BYU and received his MBA from the University of Utah with an emphasis in entrepreneurship. Later in life he graduated from Concord Law School. Rob is a CPA specializing in small business taxation. He is licensed in real estate, mortgages and insurance. Rob started and managed several successful businesses over his career and loves to help others start and grow their own business.
Rob served on the Development Council of the Neal A Maxwell Institute at BYU and currently serves on the Boards of several nonprofit organizations including Interweave Solutions. He loves the Interweave model that helps move people from poverty to prosperity because He has experienced that in his own life through starting his own business. Rob has contributed many hours and meaningful funds to the creation of self-reliance groups. Interweave is grateful to him for all of his contributions and would like to recognize him in this wall of fame.