Success Ambassadors

Frida Calvo Veracruz

Alejandro GutierrezMonterrey
David Perez Gomez
Francisco Zavala
Frida Calvo
Georgina Arce
Lizbeth Bravo
Nestor Cruz
Oswal Cárdenas
Ulises Sánchez
Blanca Estela Gutiérrez R.
Guillermo Raylander Navarette
Alvaro Tiburcio Loayza
Nohemi Salazar
Jorge Machuca
Impact of the MBS course in Mexico
Participants are asked to complete a self-evaluation before and after completing the MBS course. The following report demonstrates the impact of the MBS course based on the evaluation results in Mexico.
Agree/Disagree | Before/After
I have my own business. | 56% / 64%
I have a plan to improve my personal life. | 42% / 91%
I serve in my community. | 31% / 89%
I save money regularly. | 41% / 89%
My family spends less than we earn. | 50% / 83%
My family can afford the basic necessities of life. | 56% / 74%
I keep business records. | 33% / 73%
My business has improved because of the MBS course. | 0% / 74%
My income has increased because of the MBS course. | 0% / 72%
Mexico Success Stories

The MBS Course Impacts Every Aspect of Her Life
Mexico. Guillermo Escamilla Silverio: The MBS really helped me to reinforce the administrative, advertising and market research knowledge to make my business more profitable and competitive with other establishments in the sports industry,
Since the MBS Course, She Is Progressing in Life
Mexico. Hi, I’m Alexa Gómez Guzmán, I’m 24 years old. I’m from San Juan del Rio, Queretaro. I finished my studies up to high school. I was a little confused because I didn’t know what I wanted to do or study. So I approached Dr. Lizbeth, who gave me the necessary tools to know my interests and skills by taking a personal development test. Based on this, she allowed me to discover the skills at which I excelled so I could carry out a successful business.
MBS Helped Him to Visualize Growth and Manage Finances
Mexico. Napoleon Palacios Sales – In 2010 my family and I had a loss of USD 120,000 for investing in the stock exchange without having the necessary schooling to operate. In 2013 I lost the right to a marketing network with 400 associates, faced a depression, and we had to live on a very tight budget. We started Café Dyka with three kilos of roasted and ground coffee.
Thanks to MBS, I’ve Lost My Fear
Mexico. Sagrario Selene Chávez. Ever since I graduated with my degree in psychology, the majority of my working life I have worked independently in my own practice with the exception of when I taught classes at a university and when I worked for a security company. I’ve always liked business, and I have occupational knowledge of psychology. I have wanted to make a business where I could utilize my passions, likes, and skills that would also not keep me away from my children for so much time.
Turning an Idea Into Reality
Mexico. My name is Alan Joseph Cadena Juárez. I am 26 years old and am a Marketing graduate. About seven years ago, I decided to start a business. I had many ideas, but I did not have the necessary skills to open a business. While I was in the Marketing program, I found a job that sold coffee makers. At that moment, the idea to sell coffee consumables was born, since this store only sold coffee makers. I then found an Interweave Solutions ambassador who told me about a program that teaches individuals how to start a business to help them change their lives.
Mexico. “In one of our literacy self-reliance groups in Chiapas, Mexico, there lives a woman named Maria. She is sixty years old but eagerly started attending the group because it has been her dream to learn how to read and write. Even though she just started attending the group only a few weeks ago, she now knows how to write her name, the vowels, and is diligently learning the rest of the letters in the alphabet. She says that finally learning to read and write has brought her more joy than she knew was possible.”
Interweave’s Newest Ambassadors
Mexico. We recently have had sixteen new ambassadors join our team! They are from México and we are so excited to have them as a part of our team.
They each had to pass through an interview process to verify that they were serious candidates and ready to help spread the Interweave vision. They had a special graduation ceremony in which co-founder, Dean Curtis and Latin American program director, Diego Lizano gave the certificates. The celebration was beautiful and the new ambassadors are already forming groups and making a difference in the world of Interweave already.