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Interweave Solutions partners with NGO’s, governments, nonprofits and other organizations to build self-reliance worldwide.

Our partners collaborate with us to set up their own customized self-reliance program that works for them. Together we can bring people from poverty to prosperity through neighborhood self-reliance groups in your area. Our goal is to improve the lives of millions of people. Together we can make that goal a reality. You can partner with us to start your own self-reliance program/group in the areas of Business, Home and Community. 

Why create Self Reliance groups?

A self-reliance group allows people to train and support each other. To start, people choose one of the following poverty issues to resolve: economic problems,  home concerns,  community challenges or educational issues. They start a group or use Interweave materials with an existing group that has a similar cause.

Using Interweave’s revolutionary training methodology the groups learn how to train their own meetings and support each other without a professional teacher or trainer. The groups become self reliant. Once they implement one of the manuals, they can choose to go deeper into that topic or begin to address some of the other issues that cause poverty in their group.

For example, a group in the Congo met to start a new business. After training each other in business principles, they decided that they needed to solve some of the community problems that hurt their business like the garbage in the street.  They also realized that some of the participants had domestic abuse in the home. Their self-reliance group taught about domestic abuse and created a service project for the garbage. Still working together after four years this group is interweaving solutions to income, home, community and education challenges.

If you’re interested in partnering with Interweave Solutions contact us!